Plataforma intuitiva para gerenciamento de incidentes

Sempre muito próximo de nossos clientes — centenas de especialistas em segurança — criamos as ferramentas essenciais para um gerenciamento eficaz de incidentes e comunicação crítica.

Com o Cosafe, você assegura que todos os funcionários possam acionar um alarme, receber informações precisas, saber o que fazer, quem é responsável e confirmar que todos estão bem. 

A configuração é rápida: os usuários aprendem o básico em apenas 1 hora. Não precisa de novo hardware; utilize os dispositivos desktop, tablet ou móveis que você já tem. E, claro, o Cosafe está em conformidade com a LGPD e é certificado ISO 27001, com armazenamento de dados redundante em diversos centros de dados sustentáveis no Brasil.


A Cosafe orienta você em cada etapa do incidente

O Cosafe te prepara para uma gestão de incidentes rápida e eficiente, independentemente da escala ou localização.

Acione alarmes instantaneamente para grupos designados, mobilize a gestão de crises de plantão, inicie reuniões online, ative planos de resposta, verifique a segurança dos teus colaboradores e identifique as pessoas que precisam de ajuda – tudo com poucos cliques e no tempo necessário.

Esteja preparado com as automações pré-definidas do nosso sistema para poupar tempo crítico em cenários urgentes e otimizar a sua resposta quando cada segundo conta.

Tudo que você precisa para se manter conectado e seguro

Botões de Alertas com Único Clique

Customize conforme sua

Chat Seguro

Chat Criptografado com
funções inteligentes

Check Seguro (Está OK)

Verificação de segurança com georreferenciamento


Acesso 24/7 à documentos

War Room

Todos em sua sala de Guerra
com apenas 1 clique

Alarmes de Segurança Pessoal

Cronômetro "Lone Worker" e
Botão de Pânico


Protocolos Vivos e
de fácil acesso

Chamado Imediato

Convoque e mobilize rapidamente a equipe

Status Report

Mantenha todos


Discover How Cosafe
Keep Employees, Visitors and Assets Safe.

Save invaluable time, keep your organization running and protect customers from disruptions.



Simplify business continuity and incident response plans. Provide guided, step-by-step actions to personnel.

Interactive checklists can be quickly initiated and edited based on customized templates. Share with selected groups and complete the checklist together regardless of time and place. Collaborate with different groups within the organization.

Use checklists as a preventive measure in systematic safety and work environment management for e.g. rounds and risk
analyses, action and activity plans in the event of an incident or crisis.


Single-click Alarm Buttons

Elevate your safety efforts with real-time alerts about emerging threats near all of your employees – including those working in the office, on a worksite, in the field, at their homes, or traveling for business.

Ensure that the right information gets to the right people at the right time. Trigger alerts with positional data and incident descriptions to pre-selected groups. Each organization decides the number of alarms, headings, recipients and priority. Choose if you want the alarm to force Silent Mode on your mobile phone.


On-Call Alert

Streamline on-call and minimize manual tasks. Mobilize your team clearly, quickly, and efficiently with a click of a button.

Receive real-time updates on all recipients and in the event of no response, the system automatically dials at 2-minute intervals until the recipient answers.


Secure Chat

Communicate, drive collaboration and productivity across teams. Send notifications, respond from any device, and keep the workforce informed no matter where they are.

Encrypted 1-on-1 or group chat where you can communicate sensitive information with read receipts. Escalate easily by adding more users and groups to ongoing chats. Chat history is available to everyone in the chat enabling efficient briefing. 


I'm Safe Check-in

Facilitate instant feedback and confirm employees’ safety during critical events regardless of working in the office, on a worksite, in the field, remote at home, or traveling for business.

In the event of an incident, home or abroad, send an I’m OK inquiry and get a real-time overview of who is OK or not. People not answering can be located with positional data and easily sent additional messages.


Personnel Safety Alarm

Keep employees safe in the office, in the field, while commuting, or when traveling for business. Lone worker safety solution, dead man’s switch, and panic button, all-in-one.

Trigger automatic alarm by pressing the black screen for three seconds or set an automatic timer alarm when working alone. Your colleagues in preselected groups receive alarm with GPS coordinates and predetermined message.


Accounts and Groups

Structure the organization in the main account, subaccounts, and groups.

Messages, alarms, documents etc. can be customized for each account and group.



Ensure 24/7 access to important documents, policies, and actions plans.  Customize access in different subaccounts and groups.


Holding Statement

Keep employees and stakeholders informed as incidents progress with continuous status updates.

Provide accurate and secure information to manage uncertainty.


Desktop Notifications

The CoSafe Warning System can be installed on PC and Mac to ensure that alarms and critical information are received despite if phone is not available.


Stakeholder Notifications without Personal Data

CoAlert is a mass notification app for receiving critical one-way information from CoSafe users.  Ideal for students, parents, suppliers, visitors etc.

GDPR-friendly, simply join with 8 digit code without providing any personal data.

User Friendly

Easy to use and administrate multilingual platform

Easy Onboarding

Simple to set up!
Get started quickly with video tutorials


Data stored in multiple tier 3 and 4,
ISO 27001 certified data centers

No New Hardware

Use your existing devices;
mobile phone, tablet or computer

Cost Effective

Flexible and scalable SaaS subscription pricing suitable for organizations of all sizes

Log Function

Automated documentation for
post-incident reporting and evaluation

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Single Sign-On (SSO)